Boost your Company
with Deliver-IT

Welcome to Deliver-IT, where we recruit IT talent and connect them with the right job opportunities.


Application process

Your next step
into your future starts here

Discover personalized job offers on our platform. Easily filter by location and start date to find the perfect offer for you.


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Application Process

Follow these simple steps to find your new job with Deliver-IT.

Upload your resume directly through the menu here.


Upload Resume

Drag and drop your resume here, and the data will be automatically filled in.

01 - Upload Resume

Upload your resume directly on the homepage, your data will be automatically processed, and our team will contact you promptly.


Plan Interview

Choose a suitable date for your interview.

02 - Schedule an Interview

After uploading your resume, we will send you a link to schedule a personal interview with us.



Discuss Terms

Review key details such as salary, tasks, and other conditions.

03 - Discuss Terms

We review the key details such as salary, job responsibilities, and other relevant conditions to ensure the job is the right fit for you.

Job Offers


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